Daily News Summaries
This page gives you access to all of RBA's daily news summaries (since April 13, 2006), 10 days at a time. The most recent are shown, or you can select a specific date to show (along with the previous 10 days). Prior to April 13, 2006 you can find weekly reviews, located in articles.
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Tuesday 21st January 2025  
  Rarities confirmed as still present today included the Booted Eagle, Pacific Diver and Bonaparte's Gull in Cornwall, American Coot, Ross's Goose and White-billed Diver in Shetland, Red-breasted Goose in Cumbria, White-winged Scoter in County Kerry, Black Scoter in Northumberland, Canvasback in Essex, Lesser Scaups in Devon, Dorset and County Cork, Ferruginous Ducks in London and Warwickshire, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, another Bonaparte's Gull in Argyll and American Pipit in Northumberland.
Will Soar, RBA
Monday 20th January 2025  
  A Bonaparte's Gull was found on the Add Estuary at Bellanoch, Argyll today.

Lingering rarities included the Booted Eagle, Pacific Diver and Bonaparte's Gull in Cornwall, Double-crested Cormorant in County Leitrim, Black Scoter in County Kerry, Lesser Scaups in Devon, Dorset and Essex, Ferruginous Ducks in London and Hertfordshire, Bufflehead and Ross's Goose in Shetland, Richardson's Cackling Goose in County Mayo, Red-breasted Goose in Cumbria, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, American Pipit in Northumberland, Desert Wheatear in Carmarthenshire and Pallid Harrier in Norfolk.
Will Soar, RBA
Sunday 19th January 2025  
  Discoveries today included an Olive-backed Pipit in Cornwall at Helston, in County Fermanagh, a Lesser Scaup was found at Enniskillen.

Lingering rarities seen today included the Booted Eagle, Pacific Diver, and Bonaparte's Gull in Cornwall, American Coot, Bufflehead, and Ross's Goose in Shetland, Ferruginous Ducks in London and Warwickshire, Lesser Scaups in County Wexford(2), Perthshire, Dorset, Devon, and Essex, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, Red-breasted Goose in Cumbria, Pallid Harrier in County Cork, and Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire.
Ben Clark, RBA
Saturday 18th January 2025  
  Discoveries today included a Pacific Diver in Cornwall at Perranuthoe, in Buckinghamshire, a Ferruginous Duck was found at Furzton, and in Devon, a Lesser Scaup was found at Burrows Country Park.

Lingering rarities seen today included the Booted Eagle and Bonaparte's Gull in Cornwall, White-winged Scoter in Angus, American Coot, Bufflehead, and Ross's Goose in Shetland, Black Scoter in Northumberland, Ferruginous Ducks in London and Warwickshire, Lesser Scaups in County Wexford(2), Dorset and Essex, Pallid Harriers in County Cork, Pembrokeshire, and Norfolk and Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire.
Ben Clark, RBA
Friday 17th January 2025  
  Lingering rarities seen today included the Booted Eagle and Bonaparte's Gull in Cornwall, American Coot and Ross's Goose in Shetland, Black Scoter in Northumberland, Ferruginous Ducks in London, Warwickshire (two) and Lincolnshire, Lesser Scaups in Dorset and Essex, Pallid Harriers in County Cork and Norfolk and Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire.
Will Soar, RBA
Thursday 16th January 2025  
  Discoveries today included a Ross's Goose in Shetland at Scatsta and a Lesser Scaup in Dorset at Longham Lakes.

Continuing rarities confirmed as strill present were the Booted Eagle in Cornwall, American Coot and Bufflehead in Shetland, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, Black Scoter in Northumberland, Red-breasted Goose in Cumbria, Pallid Harrier in Pembrokeshire, Long-billed Dowitcher in Norfolk, Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire, Bonaparte's Gull and Lesser Scaup in County Cork, and Ferruginous Ducks in Lincolnshire, London, and Warwickshire.
Chris Batty, RBA
Wednesday 15th January 2025  
  Rarities today comprised Booted Eagle and Bonaparte's Gull both still in Cornwall, American Coot in Shetland, Black Scoters in Northumberland and County Kerry, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire, Long-billed Dowitcher in Norfolk, Red-breasted Goose in Cumbria, Pallid Harriers in Norfolk and County Cork, two Lesser Scaups in County Wexford, and Ferruginous Ducks in London and Warwickshire.
Ben Clark, RBA
Tuesday 14th January 2025  
  Discoveries today included a Brown Booby reported in Cornwall at Gwithian, on Shetland a Gyr Falcon on Yell briefly and a Snowy Owl on Unst briefly, in County Kerry a Black Scoter with a White-winged Scoter at Inch, and in Oxfordshire a Lesser Scaup reported at Farmoor Reservoir.

Rarities elsewhere comprised Booted Eagle and Bonaparte's Gull both still in Cornwall, American Coot in Shetland, American Pipit in Northumberland, both Least Sandpiper and Kentish Plover in Somerset, Penduline Tit in Cheshire, Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire, Pallid Harrier in Norfolk, and Ferruginous Ducks in Essex, Hampshire, London, and Warwickshire.
Chris Batty, RBA
Monday 13th January 2025  
  In Cornwall, the Booted Eagle remained in the Marazion /Crowlas area all day, with the Bonaparte's Gull also still in the county at Sennen Cove.

Elsewhere, a Ferruginous Duck was found at Brownwich, Hampshire, with others still in London, Essex, Warwickshire and Lincolnshire. Other lingering rarities including the American Pipit and Black Scoter in Northumberland, Canvasback in Essex, Least Sandpiper in Somerset, Lesser Yellowlegs in Hampshire and Long-billed Dowitcher and Pallid Harrier in Norfolk.
Will Soar, RBA
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