Existing RBA customer upgrade to the s.QUAD pager
This order form is only for existing RBA pager subscribers who are wishing to upgrade to the s.QUAD pager. The page will reload as you make your selections so please be patient.

Use the form below to order your upgrade your pager.

Choose the appropriate option from the choice of three below.

If you have any special requests for your upgrade please use the additional comments field.

If you have any questions or queries please contact us via email here

Clear form - start over

Open pager info page (new window)

Step 1 - Pager upgrade options
Select the appropriate upgrade.*
  Upgrade options
  Option 1 - £149 Select this option if you own your current pager. Part-exchange price. Return your old pager upon receipt of the new s.QUAD
  Option 2 - £149 Select this option if you rent your current pager
  Option 3 - £149 Select this option if you are unsure
You will be charged this minimum amount now, and we will then confirm whether you own your pager or rent it. If you own your pager we will require the balance.