




 NewsMap Lite - Rare and scarce birds in the British Isles today - from Rare Bird Alert

Welcome to Rare Bird Alert's birdnews map for BirdForum. Click on the symbols on the map to find the basic details on the latest breaking rare and scarce birdnews for Britain and Ireland.  To see the full details of each sighting you need to use the subscriber only "NewsMap". Know about something not yet reported today? Have an update? Please contribute your own sightings - full details of how to do that here

Also, you will see on NewsMap photos of the birds with each report where people have contributed photos, so if you have photos, please contribute and upload your own photos, or email us your photos to be displayed on NewsMap Lite.

NOTE: NewsMap Lite displays rare, scarce and mega birdnews and is a limited version. The subscriber-only versions: NewsMap and NewsMap Plus have full details of each sighting, filters, and other features available only to subscribers.  Note also that 'NewsMap Lite' does not show the news of all the uncommon species that we report on - this free version only shows the rarest. If you would like to see the subscriber version, you can get Details of Free Trial here.

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See RBA web subscription options here 

How to use NewsMap Lite
- single click on any symbol to get the info
- double click anywhere will re-centre map (and give you the info as well if you clicked on a symbol)
- zoom (to centre of map) using the slider bar in the upper left corner of map
- pan the map by holding down left mouse button whilst moving the mouse
- change the background by clicking any of the three options in top right corner of map

  Most recent RBA news as at 11:11 (Includes local news not shown on NewsMap Lite)
Below is the actual text of the 3 most recent messages to RBA subscribers. For how to access all messages: click here
  News summary for yesterday  
  RBA subscribers click here for more daily summaries complete with weather charts
  Rarities today comprised the Grey-headed Lapwing still in Northumberland, Kentish Plover still in Somerset, Long-billed Dowitchers in both Devon and Norfolk, Bonaparte's Gull in County Antrim, Lesser Scaup in Staffordshire, and Ferruginous Ducks in Hertfordshire, London, and Warwickshire.
Chris Batty, RBA

