
Welcome to the Rare Bird Alert website

Established in 1991 Rare Bird Alert is the longest running instant birdnews service in the UK. Our team of experienced and dedicated birders check and send reports as soon as they break, sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

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  • Previous Records fully searchable database of all the accepted rarities in Britain and Ireland, including maps, stats and photos
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Weekly birding round-up: 28 Feb - 6 Mar

Jon Dunn brings you his weekly birding roundup looking back at the best birds from around Britain, Ireland and the Western Palearctic where in Gwynedd the Indo-Pacific White Tern story took a predictable turn. More here >


Beavers to Be Set Free in the Wild as Government Reverses Ban

After centuries of absence, the UK government has approved the release of beavers into the wild, marking a major win for conservation and ecosystem restoration. More here >


Silent Winters: The Disappearance of Bewick's Swans from Britain

Conservationists warn of a sharp decline in Bewick's Swan numbers as habitat loss, climate change, and lead poisoning take their toll. More here >


Red Kite shot and killed in Cairngorms National Park

The protected bird is the latest to be killed within the park, the majority of previous raptor persecution crimes have been found to be linked to the shooting industry. More here >


Diving into Danger: How Small-Scale Fisheries Threaten Mediterranean Seabirds

New research has shown that Small-scale fisheries can pose significant conservation challenges with a number of Mediterranean bird species being caught as 'bycatch. More here >